
Vitiligo is an acquired skin condition characterized by the appearance of white patches on the skin that, however, remain normal in structure and texture.
It affects both genders equally, and its prevalence is estimated at 1-2% of the general population. It is not a contagious disease but may have a hereditary background to some extent.
The skin affected by vitiligo lacks melanocytes, which produce the pigment melanin, causing the skin to appear white due to its absence.
Clinical Characteristics: Typical manifestations of vitiligo are white patches with diameters ranging from a few millimeters to several centimeters, either locally or throughout the body. In some patients, even the hair in affected areas may turn white (leukotrichia).
Vitiligo is a chronic condition, and with existing treatments, patients achieve repigmentation of lesions to a satisfactory degree in a range of 70-90%.
The response of patients to treatment depends on the location of the disease: the face shows the best response, while the hands and feet show a lower response compared to the rest of the body. The response also depends on the color of the patient’s normal skin. Patients with darker skin tend to respond better compared to those with lighter skin.
Therapeutic approaches used today for vitiligo include creams (with corticosteroids or topical immunomodulators) and various forms of phototherapy.
If vitiligo covers a significant part of the patient’s body, depigmentation of the remaining areas with normal skin color can be considered to achieve uniform white skin. Regardless of the method used, the duration of treatment lasts for months.
Approval for new creams is expected soon, and in 1-2 years, there may be other medications for the treatment of the disease.
If you notice any signs on your face and body, consult a dermatologist to find the right treatment for you. The dermatologist will provide you with solutions.
We thank Dr. Nikolaos Voutsakis for the information,56 Achilleos str., Palaio Faliro. Tel.: 2109841074, 6945893616
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Ο Βουτσάκης Νικόλαος είναι Δερματολόγος - Αφροδισιολόγος και διατηρεί ιδιωτικό ιατρείο στο Παλαιό Φάληρο. Διαθέτει πτυχίο Ιατρικής από την Ιατρική Σχολή του University of Pavia στην Ιταλία και ειδικεύτηκε στη Δερματολογία, στη μονάδα Δερματολογίας του Πανεπιστημιακού Νοσοκομείου Θεσσαλονίκης. Έχει διατελέσει Ειδικός Γραμματέας της Επαγγελματικής Ένωσης Ελλήνων Δερματολόγων - Αφροδισιολόγων και είναι μέλος της Ελληνικής Δερματολογικής Εταιρείας και της European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. Στο ιδιωτικό του ιατρείο προσφέρει πλήθος υπηρεσιών, κλινικής και αισθητικής δερματολογίας, εξατομικευμένες για τις ανάγκες εκάστοτε ασθενούς.