With the presence of HRH Prince Alexander and Princess Katherine in support of Attikon Hospital.
The humanitarian organization Lifeline Hellas organized the 18th Christmas charity dinner, on December 21, 2023, at the Hotel Grande Bretagne.
Vice President of Lifeline Dr. Alkistis Prinou Boukouvala, HRH Crown Prince Alexander and Princess Katherine, the President of Lifeline Dr Zisis BoukouvalasMarios Themistokleous and his wife Julie Kyrou, Dr. Dora Dimopoulou Psaltopoulou, and Alexia Stella MantzariMrs Alexia Stella Mantzari, Minister of Health Adonis Georgiadis and Evgenia ManolidouElena Vrettou, Eleni Antoniadou, Dr. Phophi Kamposiora and Dr. Giorgos Papavassiliou
The purpose of the event was to support the neonatology department of the “Attikon” University G.H. with the offer of incubators. ABY Princess Katherine’s speech moved the attendees as she referred to the value of love and contribution in life.
The couple Alexia and Vassilis SavramisDr. Alkistis Prinou Boukouvala, Emi Livaniou, Litsa Lavda, Alexandra LivaniouThe couple Mr. Marios Karnessis and Mrs. Georgia Loggitsi KarnessisGiannis Sahinis, Ioanna N. Vardinogianni and Dan Hinenson
The couple Vassilis and Alexia Savrami and Dr. Ioannis Patiniotis offered two more incubators.
Honorary President of Lifeline Dr. Angie Margariti Andrews, Iro, Dr. Alkistis Prinou Boukouvala, Nasia PapamanoliThe couple Mrs. Paulina Billiri and Mr. Konstantinos IosifidisIoanna Dragni, Vassiliki and Paressa MarmaridiAria Dagla, and Apostolos Mourgos
The event was presented by Giorgos Davlas and Tonia Sotiropoulou. The entertainment program started with the singing of Alexander Andrews, grandson of the Princess and continued with the excellent musician and performer Iro.