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Skin Reactions to the Sun

Skin Reactions to the Sun

Although the sun is beneficial for what it provides us, we must emphasize the risks of excessive exposure. Our relationship with the sun depends on our skin phototype.

In Greece, most individuals with skin phototypes II and III are sensitive to the sun. This sensitivity causes skin reactions that are immediately noticeable and others that appear in the long term.

Immediate reactions include sunburn and tanning. Sunburn is caused by UVB rays and can range from simple redness to more severe blisters.

Tanning is a natural reaction of the skin, which produces melanin to protect us from ultraviolet rays.

Abnormal skin reactions to the sun include photodermatoses, which are mainly caused by UVB and UVA rays or a combination of both.

  • Photodermatoses solely caused by the sun are conditions known as sun allergies, characterized by rash and very irritating itching.
  • Photosensitizations are conditions not caused exclusively by the sun but also by a substance called a photosensitizer, found in medications applied topically to the skin or taken orally.
  • Photo-exacerbated dermatoses are conditions that worsen with sun exposure, such as herpes and acne.

Long-term reactions include sunspots, premature aging (fine lines, wrinkles), melasma, and even skin cancer.

See Also

We thank Dr. Nikolaos Voutsakis for the information, 56 Achilleos Street, Palaio Faliro. Tel.: 2109841074, 6945893616

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