Dr. Nancy Mallerou

Starting with the “NAMA tribe” for a better life
A new year begins in conditions that test our mental endurance. Do we need to set our new goals for this year differently?
Maybe this year we can begin from another starting point: not what I want to achieve, but what I want to feel, what kind of person do I want to be. And let our actions lead us to it. This year I suggest we look at our lives from above, from a different perspective. Reasoning and targeting always bring something good. In fact, we have many occasions and I personally use them all: New Year, Birthday, Beginning of Summer, Beginning of Autumn … even the beginning of every week! The important thing with all these decisions is to visit them often, to align and review or adjust your actions so that they bring you to the desired goal. That’s why every year I publish the Coaching diary CAN BE DONE so that everyone has a tool of motivation and reminder in their hands.
Restrictions and fears are scattered nowadays. Is there a positive way of thinking that can help?
I prefer realistic optimism. Not the sometimes toxic positivity. I like to call things out and look at the problem head-on. This is the part of realism. Optimism comes from the thought that I will succeed, I will find a way or help. And if I do not succeed, I will have learned from my path. Learning for me means strength, wisdom, endurance, and all that makes me feel stronger and more ready for the “next round”. And that makes me optimistic. The positive way of thinking is to look back every time at what I have achieved, I have offered, I have produced, material but mainly emotionally and mentally.
Mrs. Mallerou, no matter how strong we are, the fact that we interact and see that in our family and in our friendly relations, people are psychologically exhausted and show negative behaviors, how do we manage it?
I think there have always been and will always be people around us who are depressed, frustrated with negative attitudes towards themselves or others. Our initial instinct is usually to help. And this is very beautiful. But I would like to emphasize that it hides some dangers: firstly, to be more exhausted than the one we are trying to help, b) to be accused of wanting everything to be done in our own way – logical since we do not know anything different, to be drawn into a mentality that does not help us. Empathy does not require you to set yourself on fire to keep someone warm. You can “be there” to listen to the other, offer him a good conversation and the feeling that someone cares. But your own mental health is always paramount. And you can save it by choosing the conditions and the time you will dedicate. Because there is also “I am not available now.” It may sound selfish but how does it help if instead of one being depressed and negative, we end up with two?
Name Tribe? How was he born?
In the first lockdown I decided to be live on Instagram every day and help in my own way, giving advice, coaching, optimism. Gradually my listeners became thousands from all over the world and had one thing in common: they actively wanted something better and were willing to do something about it. Talking to them every day, I “met” them without ever meeting them. I knew names, where they live, what work they do, what they struggle with. I encouraged them to get to know each other, to help each other. And they did it with great success. So I felt that we have a very strong bond between us. We were all members of a “Tribe”. At one point I asked them to find me a name and someone suggested NAMA by Nancy Mallerou. When I joined in business with the distinguished health & wellbeing Coach of Malou Larsinou, she also started to be with the people every day and so very soon NAMA meant Nancy and Malou. Our community has grown. So we started calling each other NAMA. When they meet us on the street they shout with love and enthusiasm “Hello Namaaaa” and we know exactly what connects us. NAMA is also a Greek word that means the water that gushes from the source, with purity, strength and direction. We loved our community very much and decided to create the first subscription platform for empowerment and well-being addressed to Greeks. This is how NamaTribe.gr with weekly coaching was born and everyone can become a member with less than €1 per day!
What are your expectations from this venture?
You have heard people complain that they have not found their “passion”. Well, it took me years but I found it and I am very happy because it gives me meaning, energy and joy. My mission is to awaken and motivate all Greeks, wherever they are, to release 100% of their potential and live the life they dream about. Research shows that the fastest way to do this is through continuous learning and education.
Our ambition is to help as many people as possible to live a better, more balanced, happy, successful, and fulfilling life. To be a positive imprint in society and to give back to “I am Greek” the pride it deserves.