Mother Earth & Climate Change

My friends,
I couldn’t remain indifferent to the great threat of our century, climate change, and the overheating of our planet. Knowing that I am addressing sensitive and socially conscious individuals, I felt the need to write about this very serious issue.
My intention is to influence you and each one of you individually to become more informed and think about what you can do to contribute to the Earth that we leave for our children.
The global population is estimated to increase from approximately 7.6 billion today to around 10 billion people by 2050. The corresponding global demand for food is projected to increase by 50 percent during this period. The pressure on how we use land productively is enormous, particularly in developing countries where the overwhelming majority of the world’s 800 million poor and hungry people are concentrated. Deforestation, mainly due to the conversion of forested areas into agriculture or settlements, threatens not only the survival of forests but also the diversity of life on our planet. Land-use changes result in the loss of valuable habitats, soil degradation, water scarcity, and the release of carbon into the atmosphere.
Our forests are our sources. They provide a significant portion of the drinking water for over one-third of the world’s largest cities. Poor human management of them leads to their loss, which will lead us to destruction.
The EU, in its forest strategy, mobilizes its forests to offset carbon dioxide emissions and combat climate change. Healthy forests are crucial for fighting climate change globally because they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. One hectare of forest consumes four tons of carbon dioxide annually. Let’s make it our goal not to let another forest burn. Let’s protect them in every way possible.
God entrusted us with an earthly paradise, and we are turning it into a fiery hell.
But tomorrow is a new day, and I hope we awaken and start seeking ways to contribute individually and, wherever possible, united for the protection of the environment.