Anastasia Papamanoli – President of Lifeline Hellas

Fourteen years ago, businesswoman Anastasia Papamanoli, an Athenian with roots from Istanbul, met HRH Princess Katherine, who inspired her with her philanthropic efforts and contributions to Greece and Serbia. In the years that followed, she served on the Board of Directors, first as Treasurer and now as President. Her tale is strongly rooted in the ideals of giving, which she acquired from her forefathers, who suffered immensely and were forced to leave their city and possessions behind. We will learn more about the new President and the significant humanitarian work that Lifeline Hellas does in our country throughout our conversation.
How did you decide to get involved in the field of Civil Society and humanitarian aid?
Helping our fellow humans in need has always been touching for me and has been an internal calling and a source of true satisfaction. Often, life brings us to positions and situations that our soul attracts magically. That’s how I feel about Lifeline Hellas because it allowed me to give, in a more structured and effective manner, something I never missed a chance to do whenever and wherever I heard there was a real need. However, through Lifeline Hellas, I saw how much we can improve people’s lives for the better by bringing together many people who wish to give because at Lifeline Hellas, we are a great team with clear goals that translate into actions.

What is the mission and the main goals of Lifeline Hellas? Do you plan to change anything during your tenure and in which direction?
First, I would like to thank Princess Katherine of Serbia and all the friends and members of Lifeline Hellas, for their trust in selecting and voting for me as the President. My obligation and commitment are to live up to their expectations, to continue the very important work of my predecessors, the two Presidents since the association was founded, and to contribute together with the Board to our country and to the children who are its future. We will operate with consistency, transparency, and seriousness to raise awareness among other organizations and fellow individuals so that they may help us achieve our goals and make a difference. Lifeline Hellas’ purpose is to offer medical equipment to children’s hospitals and institutions to improve medical care and quality of life for the children. Furthermore, we undertake actions to assist whenever and whenever a need arises.
What do you consider to be the most significant achievement of the organization to date?
Lifeline Hellas’ work in Greece over the last two decades has been extensive, encompassing a wide range of charitable activities. I believe we can not single out one achievement as the most important, but we will never forget the children who are alive today as a result of the surgeries provided by Lifeline Hellas, the expansion of the neonatal unit at the “Elena Venizelou” hospital, the donation of an ambulance to Messinia, the donations of ventilators and incubators for premature infants at the “Attikon” hospital and “Elena Venizelou,” and much more.

What are the mission and the main goals of Lifeline Hellas? Do you plan to make any changes during your term, and if so, in what direction?
The greatest challenge for Lifeline Hellas is the sheer number of demands that come to our attention. We genuinely wish we could fulfill all the requests from hospitals and institutions that we receive, and we strive tirelessly to satisfy as many as possible. We prioritize the issues, we address depending on their urgency, with children always being the top priority. We also stay up to date on current events and we work to meet urgent needs in other countries, such as providing heart surgeries for a child and a young woman from Ukraine, assisting earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria, assisting fire victims in Evia, assisting unaccompanied refugee children, and many other emergencies.
“I feel grateful that I can give my time and energy to bring smiles of joy to children and parents who need support”
What inspires and motivates you in your daily work as President of Lifeline Hellas? What is the most memorable incident or experience you have had during your term?
The example of Princess Katherine, who has tirelessly continued her 30-year dedication to assisting those in need, has had a tremendous impact on the whole Lifeline Hellas team and encourages us to continue our humanitarian efforts. Furthermore, the profound emotional fulfillment you get when you give—which is both the underlying concept and the ultimate purpose of Lifeline Hellas—is genuinely unique! Scientific studies show that «giving» makes people happier, which is something we all share as a team. I consider myself extremely fortunate and grateful to have the opportunity to «give», and I believe it is our responsibility to do so whenever feasible. Each moment at Lifeline Hellas is unique and memorable. Each visit to a children’s hospital gives me a deep sense of accomplishment as I observe the lives of premature infants being saved in the incubators we have provided. This experience gives us tremendous joy and reward!
How do you secure funding for the organization’s activities? How could interested individuals support Lifeline Hellas, either financially or in other ways?
Lifeline Hellas is entirely funded by sponsorships, contributions, and memberships from people, businesses, and our friends. We take pride in this and want to grow this beautiful community of people who believe in our mission and want to contribute selflessly. We also host roughly four cultural or social events each year, and participation fees help us raise funds for our charitable work. Our sponsors assist us in a variety of ways, including contributing in-kind donations for our events, making recommendations that benefit our work, and publicizing the effectiveness of our donations. Our experience shows that when there is a willingness to contribute, there is always a way to make it happen!

What are the prospects and plans for Lifeline Hellas? How do you see the role of Civil Society in Greek society in the coming years?
Lifeline Hellas’ mission is to continue its humanitarian efforts with the same clarity and reliability, while also collaborating with our offices in London, New York, Toronto, Chicago, and Belgrade to address as many needs as possible in Greece. It is critical to note that at Lifeline Hellas, we think that children should be exposed to charity from a young age. For this reason, we organize programs called “Children Helping Children,” which are designed to allow youngsters to give back and experience the joy of giving. Looking ahead, civil society will continue to play an important role in both our future and Greece. I believe that as the younger generation becomes more involved and conscious of social and environmental concerns, this position will expand in importance. We have a responsibility to be proactive and give for the greater good.
What is your opinion on the collaboration between Civil Society and government agencies in Greece? How do you ensure transparency and effectiveness in the organization’s activities?
The data shows that civil society, working with government institutions, may improve residents’ quality of life, on a variety of levels. Combining our efforts for the greater benefit frequently produces outstanding outcomes. We must invest in partnerships and collaborations since we are all members of the same society, interconnected and interdependent. Transparency is our primary and most serious priority, and it is non-negotiable. All donations we make are in kind, which allows our sponsors, friends, and donors to see the tangible results of their contributions, which are recognized with a commemorative plaque bearing their names. Our annual goals are announced at every event, and the impact of the donations is publicly reported. The trust of our supporters is the main reason that Lifeline Hellas has been able to sustain its mission of giving for twenty years.
Where could our readers learn more about Lifeline Hellas and its activities?
Your readers can stay up to date on Lifeline Hellas’ activities by visiting our website, which is presently being updated, following us on social media, or contacting our office at 210-9828002 or [email protected].
Thank you very much!