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Summer Charity Dinner of Princess Katherine and Lifeline Hellas to support the State Children’s Hospitals of Greece

Summer Charity Dinner of Princess Katherine and Lifeline Hellas to support the State Children’s Hospitals of Greece

The humanitarian organization Lifeline Hellas organized a summer charity dinner on Wednesday, July 3 2024 at Golf Prive to support the pediatric hospitals “Agia Sophia” and “P. and A. Kyriakou” of Athens. The event was held under the auspices and in the presence of TRH Crown Prince Alexander and Princess Katherine.

Prince Alexander and Princess Catherine and Captain Panayiotis Tsakos

The President of Lifeline Hellas, Nassia Papamanolis welcomed the attendees and referred to the donations that were completed by Lifeline to the “Attikon” University General Hospital, where eight incubators and two ventilators were offered. Dr. Antzi Margariti Andrews, Princess Katherine’s daughter-in-law, was mentioned in Lifeline Hellas’ campaign “Become a Friend”.

Dr. Alkistis Prinou, Andriana Paraskevopoulou

Prince Alexander, during his speech, thanked the participants and those who support the humanitarian work of Lifeline Hellas. In her speech, Princess Katherine expressed her gratitude to those who donate to Lifeline’s humanitarian work and thanked the golden sponsors of the association, Alexia Stella Mantzari and her mother Nena Papamanolopoulou, the Tsanis Family and DEI as well as the sponsors who offered the office of Lifeline Hellas.

Vassilis and Ioanna Dragni

She, also, announced the association’s next charity event to be held at the Palace in Belgrade on October 26 and 27.

Sponsor Captain Panagiotis Tsakos and golden sponsor Alexia Mantzari

During the event, the sponsors who offered accommodation at the Lifeline Hellas office were honored in chronological order. The President of Lifeline Hellas, Nassia Papamanolis, and Princess Katherine presented the awards, first, to Marilena Mamidakis who offered the first office of the union and her daughter Aristea received the award on her behalf.

Honored sponsors Alexia Mantzari on behalf of Captain Panagiotis Tsakos, Aristea Kokkinea-Mamidaki, Princess Katherine, Vassilis Mermigas Arkoudeas, Nikos Vernikos, Prince Alexander and Anastasia Papamanoli
Alexander Andrews

Then, followed Nikos Vernicos, Captain Panagiotis Tsakos and for the last seven years Vassilis Mermigkas Arkoudeas.

Dr. Zisis Boukouvalas, Nikos Vernikos, Giannis Trikardos

The awards were designed by the international visual artist Angeliki Angelidis.

David Andrews, Angie Margariti Andrews, Emmanouel Papasavvas

The common Director of the interconnected pediatric hospitals “Agia Sophia and P. & A. Kyriakou” Emmanuel Papasavvas welcomed the event, spoke about the great work that the children’s hospitals of Athens offer to the children and thanked Lifeline Hellas for its decision to offer to these children’s hospitals.

Golden sponsors Victoria and Ioakeim Tsanis

The leading marathon runner Maria Polyzou and Ambassador of Lifeline Hellas for sports, announced the second charity race Lifeline Run that will be organized on Sunday, October 13 at OAKA.

Dr. Ioannis Patiniotis, Angeliki Koutoulia

The presentation of the event was offered by the beloved journalist Katerina Laspa. The Princess’ grandson Alexander Andrews started the entertainment program. The talented actor Memos Begnis with his orchestra entertained the guests with favorite foreign and Greek songs.

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Theodora Michaloliakou, Angeliki Karamina-Michaloliakou, Princess Catherine and Prince Alexander

The attendees enjoyed the wonderful menu of Golf Prive, the beautiful decoration of Emi Tricardos and her company Artemide and received special gifts from the companies L’Occitane En Provence, Anna Maria Mazaraki and Mesoestetic Pharma Group.

Rita Moraitaki, Maria Polyzou, Emi Trikardou, Aristea Kokkinea-Mamidaki, Christina Miliou

The event was attended by Princess Katherine’s son David Andrews with his wife Dr. Antzi Margariti Andrews and their son Alexandros, the sister of Princess Betty Roumeliotis, the President Nassia Papamanolis, the Board of Directors of Lifeline Hellas, the Vice Presidents Dr. Fofi Kamposiora and Dr. Ioannis Patiniotis, the General Secretary Giannis Sahinis, the treasurer Ivi Azaria and the members: Erietta Bordoni, Ioanna Dragni, Panagis Tricardos, Marilli Diamanti Syllantavou, Aurette Arkas, Alexia Savrami and Michalis Dalakouras.

Efstathios Vazeos, Angeliki Angelidi, Makis Kasnakidis, Stelios Angelidis, Marilia Vazeou

Also, present were the Honorary Presidents of the Lifeline Hellas Giannis Tricardos with his wife Emi and Dr. Zisis Boukouvalas with his wife of Dr. Alkistis Prinou.

Alexia and Vassilis Savramis

Among those present were the Secretary General of the Ministry of the Interior Spyros Koureas with his wife Eleni Laskaris and the Secretary General of Hellenism Abroad and Public Diplomacy Giannis Chrysoulakis, the Secretary General of the Municipality of Athens Vassilis Bokos, the Deputy Regional Governor of the Northern Sector of Athens Loukia Kefaloyannis, the Deputy Regional Governor for Forestry – Parks & Animal Health issues and President of EKAPTY Eleftheria (Rita) Moraitaki-Pikrou, the adviser of the Deputy Ministry of Sports and well-known marathon runner Maria Polyzou, Mr. Floros with his wife Anna-Maria Tsikrikonis, Captain Panagiotis Tsakos and Dr. Soo Yeon Kim, Paris Kyriakopoulos, Princess Katherine’s godmother Thea Chatila and Dora Economidis’ grandmother, Dr. Konstantinos and Dr. Marilena Konstantinidis, Dr. Dora Psaltopoulou Dimopoulou, Penelope Laskaridis, Ioakeim and Victoria Tsanis, Betty Arkoudea, Angeliki Karamina – Michaloliakou with her daughter Theodora, Eleni Zekka, Giannis Apostolopoulos with his wife Maria, Alexia Koulouri, Adriana Paraskevopoulou, Dr. Vivian Alexakou, Apostolos Tricardos.

Alexia Koulouri, Irene Daifa, Despina Portokali
Helen Zekka, Aurette Arkas

Golden Sponsors of Lifeline Hellas: A.S. Marine Ltd., Tsanis Family, Vasilis Mermigas Arkoudeas, PPC (Public Power Corporation). Event Sponsors: Golf Prive, J. Safra Sarasin, Dr. Truth says, Savramis, Arkas Hellas, Help Pharmaceuticals, Margariti Dental Clinic, Novus – Leonidas Nassiakos, VIKOS, Angeliki Angelidi, Anna Maria Mazaraki, L’Occitane En Provence, Mesoestetic Pharma Group, Vibes Pro, Artemide, Davlas & Partners, Lectus Adv., JGK & Associates.

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